Research Methodologies

Research is a skill that can be learned and then applied to various topics.  This course teaches students how to do just that.  Beginning by looking at the way in which scholarship has evolved and what it has become, the course goes on to consider how to find, understand and use evidence surrounding: elements of rhetoric; ancient documents; ancient languages and writing; the place of religion and law, ancient reception and the role and influence of copyists in the medieval period.

This is an intensive two day course. Students will be provided with a handbook and associated readings to prepare in advance.

Research Methodologies
Research is a skill that can be learned and then applied to various topics.  This course teaches students how to do just that.  Beginning by looking at the way in which scholarship has evolved and what it has become, the course goes on to consider how to find, understand and use evidence. This is an intensive two day course. Students will be provided with a handbook and associated readings to prepare in advance.
Price: £175.00

For more information and to book go to:, email, call Gina on 07828199547