Art Appreciation – Baroque – CLASS FULL


From 2:00pm until 3:30pm

At Westgate-on-Sea


Art Appreciation - Baroque Art - CLASS FULL
6 weeks - £75

No prior knowledge or experience is needed to enjoy this gentle introduction to art history. This course considers the art and architecture of the Baroque period and will help you see the great works of art, its artists and their models, in new ways. Each week we will consider the work of different artists such as Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Poussin, Sirani and Leyster. Colour handouts are included. Later courses will look at a range of art and artists from the 13th to the 21st century. Images are displayed on a large screen for discussion and colour handouts are included.

This current presentation of this class is now full. For more information and to book onto future presentations please go to:, email, call Gina on 07828199547